@article{mohd rosli_suhaimi_saari_siwok_abdul latif_masroom_syed yusof_othman_2020, title={Happiness in Islamic Perspectives among Multi Tasking Women in Malaysia}, DOI={10.11113/umran2020.6n3-2.427}, abstractNote={This study aim to investigate the indicator of happiness among Islamic multitasking women. Indicator of happiness consist of five dimension which is cognitive, physiology, psychology, spiritual and social. In-depth interviews were used. A total of four Muslim lecturer in Unversiti Teknologi Malaysia were selected in the interview. A qualitative method by using interview were used. The data from interview were analysed by using thematic analysis from four respondents that meet the selection criteria. The result shows that happiness is comprises of five element which is physiology, psychology, spiritual, cognitive and social. All the elements need to be align with Allah's commandment as when the element is connected with Allah, then the true happiness would be achieve. A Muslim understand that worldly happiness is just temporary and the eternal happiness are the one that should being pursue and lasting forever.}, number={3-2}, publisher={Penerbit UTM Press}, author={Mohd Rosli, Nurul Atika and Suhaimi, Hidayu and Saari, Zilal and Siwok, Siti Rokiah and Abdul Latif, Adibah and Masroom, Mohd Nasir and Syed Yusof, Sharifah Kamilah and Othman, Nooraini}, year={2020}, month={Jan} }