Strong Evidence for a Buried AGN in UGC 5101: Implications for LINER-Type Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies release_uzn2hgfkknb2hbbuvgpocdzi5a

by Masatoshi Imanishi NAO, Japan

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We report on the results of 3--4 μm spectroscopy of the ultra-luminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) UGC 5101. It has a cool far-infrared color and a LINER-type optical spectrum, and so, based on a view gaining some currency, would be regarded as dominated by star formation. However, we find that it has strong 3.4 μm carbonaceous dust absorption, low-equivalent-width 3.3 μm polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission, and a small 3.3 μm PAH to far-infrared luminosity ratio. This favors an alternative scenario, in which an energetically dominant AGN is present behind obscuring dust. The AGN is plausibly obscured along all lines of sight (a `buried AGN'), rather than merely obscured along our particular line of sight. Such buried AGNs have previously been found in thermal infrared studies of the ULIRGs IRAS 08572+3915 and IRAS F00183-7111, both classified optically as LINERs. We argue that buried AGNs can produce LINER-type optical spectra, and that at least some fraction of LINER-type ULIRGs are predominantly powered by buried AGNs.
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