@misc{fasce_2021, title={The explanation-polarisation model: Pseudoscience spreads through explanatory satisfaction and group polarisation}, DOI={10.31234/osf.io/vq6yp}, abstractNote={

This article presents an integrative model for the epidemiology of pseudoscientific beliefs: the explanation-polarisation model. It is based on a combination of perceived explanatory satisfaction and group polarisation, offering a perspective different from the classical confusion-based conception, in which pseudoscientific beliefs would be accepted through a lack of distinction between science and science mimicry. First, I discuss the confusion-based account in the light of current evidence, pointing out some of its explanatory shortcomings. Second, I develop the explanation-polarisation model, showing its explanatory power in connection with recent research outcomes in social, cognitive and political psychology.

}, publisher={Center for Open Science}, author={Fasce, Angelo}, year={2021}, month={Jan} }