Jurisprudential and legal study of mediation and its impact on Iran-Saudi Arabia relations release_uvb5z43gk5d33o4jycbgshrevy

by Fatemeh Esmaeili Jami, Hossein Ahmari, Mojtaba Zahedian

Published in Revista do Curso de Direito do UNIFOR by Fundacao Educacional de Formiga - FUOM.

2020   Volume 11, p1-20


Preparing the ground for peace and reconciliation through mediation is a common practice in international law. The Criminal Justice System uses mediation to resolve the conflict between governments and achieve a criminal justice system, which is far from common formalities in criminal and civil arbitration. Given the inefficiency of international courts and lack of guarantee of performance of the penalties imposed by these courts, alternative solutions such as peace and conciliation and mediation have been proposed to resolve international disputes.
 In jurisprudential terms, numerous verses and narratives about peace, reconciliation and mediation have been provided and this method of conflict resolution has been fully endorsed by the jurisprudents of the Islamic religions.
 The main purpose of this study is to identify the status of mediation in jurisprudential and legal terms as one of the methods of resolving conflicts between governments, whose role in Iran-Saudi Arabia relations will be investigated with respect to the disputes between the two countries, especially in recent years.
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Date   2020-10-30
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