Antioxidant Properties of the Extract From the Brown Seaweed Sargassum pallidum at Stress Impact
S.E. Fomenko,
N.F. Kushnerova,
V.G. Sprygin
2016 Volume 12, p15-22
The impact of abiotic and biotic stress factors, in the first place, upset the antioxidant defense system of the organism, causing the generation of the excess of high reactive oxygenic radicals, accompany with cell peroxidation of lipids within cell membranes. For restoration of the metabolic reactions of the organism upset by stress are using the complexes of biologically active substances, separated from seaweeds, possessing the high antioxidative and antiradical activity and are capable effectively neutralize the high toxic radicals. The purpose of the current research was to study the influence of extract of brown seaweed Sargassum pallidum on characteristics of the antioxidant defense system in liver and blood of mice at acute stress. The acute stress was simulated by suspending animals in the upright position by their neck dorsal skin fold for 24 hours. Administration of the S. pallidum at experimental stress resulted in a pronounced preventive action, which was occurred as preserving of the weight index of their viscera, absence of ulcerous damage of stomach mucosa, support of the stability of the organism antioxidant defense system indexes and a reduction of lipid peroxidation. The extract from S. pallidum has proven to be no less effective in protecting the organism metabolic reactions under an acute stress than the well- known stress protecting preparation – Eleutherococcus extract. The pronounced protective effect of the S. pallidum extract are explained by the action of antioxidant effect of polyphenols comprising, separated during the extraction of the exploring raw material. S. pallidum appears to be a promising raw material among the marine macrophytes for developing of the high effective stress-protective preparations with pronounced antioxidant properties.
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