Greentree Group Int J Ayu Pharm Chem release_uod3toc2djcyvkxgslnil4bqve

by Greentree Group

Released as a article-journal .



Background and objective: In the todays hectic lifestyle the diet as well as the regimes of human beings have changed a lot. This leads to the sluggish functioning of agni (bio fire) and the generation of ama (accumulation of waste matter) in the body. The pathogenesis of amavata starts from gastrointestinal tract. The generation of ama takes place in gastrointestinal tract and further proceeds to deeper pathological roots with special inclination to seats of Kapha dosha especially Sandhis(joints). In amavata, agni becomes critically incapable of digesting food or medicine given. Only way to resolve ama is langhana (controlled fasting) with pathyahara (therapeutic diet) which enhances the bio fire and further digests the ama (amapachana). This study attempted to evaluate the amapachana effect of Panchcakolasiddha yavagu as pathyahara in amavata Methods: An open clinical trial was conducted among 20 participants. The intervention was the administration of Panchakolasiddhayavagu till the attainment of nirama stage or maximum up to 10 days. Yavagu prepared as per the classical reference was given in morning and evening restricting all other food and medicine. Amanirama assessment questionnaire was used to assess the amapachana. Results: Panchcakolasiddha yavagu shows highly significant amapachana effects as pathyahara in amavata (p<0.001).
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Type  article-journal
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Year   2018
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