Potent drug delivery enhancement of betulinic acid and NVX-207 into equine skin in vitro – a comparison between a novel oxygen flow-assisted transdermal application device and microemulsion gels release_uncvo6vhebhdpowdta4lct2dbm

by Paula Zscherpe, Jutta Kalbitz, Lisa A. Weber, Reinhard Paschke, Karsten Mäder, Brigitte von Rechenberg, Jessika-M. V. Cavalleri, Jessica Meißner, Karina Klein

Published in BMC Veterinary Research by Springer Science and Business Media LLC.

2024   Volume 20, Issue 1, p202


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:sec> <jats:title>Background</jats:title> Gray horses are predisposed to equine malignant melanoma (EMM) with advancing age. Depending on the tumor's location and size, they can cause severe problems (e.g., defaecation, urination, feeding). A feasible therapy for EMM has not yet been established and surgical excision can be difficult depending on the location of the melanoma. Thus, an effective and safe therapy is needed. Naturally occurring betulinic acid (BA), a pentacyclic triterpene and its synthetic derivate, NVX-207 (3-acetyl-betulinic acid-2-amino-3-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethyl-propanoate) are known for their cytotoxic properties against melanomas and other tumors and have already shown good safety and tolerability in vivo. In this study, BA and NVX-207 were tested for their permeation potential into equine skin in vitro in Franz-type diffusion cell (FDC) experiments after incubation of 5 min, 30 min and 24 h, aiming to use these formulations for prospective in vivo studies as a treatment for early melanoma stages. Potent permeation was defined as reaching or exceeding the half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC<jats:sub>50</jats:sub>) of BA or NVX-207 for equine melanoma cells in equine skin samples. The active ingredients were either dissolved in a microemulsion (ME) or in a microemulsion gel (MEG). All of the formulations were transdermally applied but the oil-in-water microemulsion was administered with a novel oxygen flow-assisted (OFA) applicator (DERMADROP TDA). </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Results</jats:title> All tested formulations exceeded the IC<jats:sub>50</jats:sub> values for equine melanoma cells for BA and NVX-207 in equine skin samples, independently of the incubation time NVX-207 applied with the OFA applicator showed a significant time-dependent accumulation and depot-effect in the skin after 30 min and 24 h (<jats:italic>P</jats:italic> &lt; 0.05). </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Conclusions</jats:title> All tested substances showed promising results. Additionally, OFA administration showed a significant accumulation of NVX-207 after 30 min and 24 h of incubation. Further in vivo trials with OFA application are recommended. </jats:sec>
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2024-05-16
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ISSN-L:  1746-6148
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