حقيقة الجهاد وآدابه في ضوء الكتاب والسنة دراسة نموذجية release_uk3ile74rzdttdpnn3mmhmitha

by S.A. Bello

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The study extracts the most important prophetic directives learned through the <em>sunnah</em> of the holy Prophet (PBUH). Every Muslim must be concerned with this <em>sunnah</em> of the Prophet and ensure total compliance. The study deals with the foundations of interest in the power of Islam and Muslims and the spread of Islam in a way that deepens Islam from the souls and hearts of people based on the most important sources of Islam. The paper contains an introduction of seven points and a conclusion such as Jihad and its literature; preaching with wisdom and good advice; when and in the right of whom legalized jihad? Also, Islam's keenness and preference for peace and wellness; the presence of the Imam and his obedience; warning against conflict and the necessity of compliance and honoring parents from jihad.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2020-08-31
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