SPME-based mobile field device for active sampling of volatiles release_uiqtglcvuzaj3li6rwfbiuvhni

by Alexander G. Fung, Mei S. Yamaguchi, Mitchell M. McCartney, Alexander A. Aksenov, Alberto Pasamontes, Cristina E. Davis

Published in Microchemical journal (Print) by Elsevier BV.

2019   Volume 146, p407-413


Monitoring plant volatile organic compound (VOC) profiles can reveal information regarding the health state of the plant, such as whether it is nutrient stressed or diseased. Typically, plant VOC sampling uses sampling enclosures. Enclosures require time and equipment which are not easily adapted to high throughput sampling in field environments. We have developed a new, easily assembled active sampling device using solid phase microextraction (SPME) that uses a commercial off the shelf (COTS) hand vacuum base to provide rapid and easy mobile plant VOC collection. Calibration curves for three representative plant VOCs (α-pinene, limonene, and ocimene) were developed to verify device functionality and enable the quantification of field-samples from a Meyer lemon tree. We saw that the active sampling allowed us to measure and quantify this chemical in an orchard setting. This device has the potential to be used for VOC sampling as a preliminary diagnostic in precision agriculture applications due to its ease of manufacturing, availability, and low cost of the COTS hand vacuum module.
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Date   2019-01-05
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ISSN-L:  0026-265X
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