@article{bogdanović_2014, title={LANGUAGE COMPETENCIES, ACHIEVEMENTS AND QUALIFICATIONS IN THE COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE FOR LANGUAGES}, DOI={10.7251/emc1401094b}, abstractNote={Summary: This paper focuses on the Europe-wide coordination of language learning, teaching and assessment.  The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages was developed by international experts as one of the most influential documents in the field of language teaching in Europe.  It measures learning progress by defining levels of competence and therefore explains what people need to learn to be able to communicate in one or several languages. The CEFR functions as a basis for the development of curricula throughout Europe and it works on the promotion of multiculturalism and multilingualism. A means to apply the CEFR is The European Language Portfolio. ELP informs about language proficiency and learning achievements in a clear and comprehensible way and also helps with language learning. It is an instrument to help promote the idea of learning languages for communicative purposes.}, publisher={National and University Library of the Republic of Srpska}, author={Bogdanović}, year={2014}, month={Jun} }