@misc{moss_2020, title={Photonic RF and microwave channelizer based on a Kerr soliton crystal micro-comb}, DOI={10.36227/techrxiv.13167611.v1}, abstractNote={We report a 92 channel RF channelizer based on a 48.9 GHz integrated micro-comb that operates via soliton crystals, together with a passive high-Q ring resonator that acts as a periodic filter with an optical 3dB bandwidth of 121.4 MHz. We obtain an instant RF bandwidth of 8.08 GHz and 17.55 GHz achieved through temperature tuning. These results represent a major advance to achieving fully integrated photonic RF spectrum channelizers with reduced low complexity, size, and high performance for digital-compatible signal detection and broadband analog signal processing.}, publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)}, author={Moss, David}, year={2020}, month={Nov} }