Features Of Processes Of Burning Of Solid Low–Grade Fuel In Furnace Space release_tumugoburbhclk23wla4bfvv44

by P. Khuzhaev, A. Suleymanov, N. Suleymanova

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The article analyses the characteristics of various existing studies and the experience of the construction of boilers. The necessity of structural changes and implementation in the field of efficient solid fuel combustion in boilers of low power research. The authors show that to enhance the efficiency of solid fuel boilers, coal–fired enough to create conditions that meet the requirements of thermal stress and efficient combustion of various fuels, the furnace in design should be universal, i.e. Variable heat stress. Finally, it is noted that the height of the furnace depends on the combustion fuel properties, so a certain type and composition of fuel combustion chamber must have a certain configuration and dimensions to ensure optimum air supply and mixing it with fuel, the maintenance target temperature and ensure complete combustion conditions.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2017-02-15
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