@article{sari_hanifah_2019, title={The DETERMINANTS THAT AFFECT STUDENTS' INTEREST TO BE ENTREPRENEURS}, DOI={10.31580/apss.v4i2.731}, abstractNote={A lot of the unemployed youngsters in Indonesia are fresh graduates from vocational school and bachelor degree, despite of the fact that Indonesia has many potential youngsters to be succesful entrepreneurs for success in the future. The youth can be the main competitive advantage of the economy in Indonesia. Entrepreneurship is one of the solutions for improving a country's economy and reduce unemployment in a country. However, it is unfortunate that there are a lot of negative perspectives about entrepreneurship. Most parents believe that entrepreneurship does not guarantee a good life in the future. Students' circle and their learning environment also determine the development of students' motivation in entrepreneurship. In STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin, there are many potential students who may become successful entrepreneurs, but their motivation and interest are still influenced by their parents and their learning environment. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the family environment and the learning environment could be the factors that affect the interest for entrepreneurship in students (studies on student in STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin). In this research, the data was collected of conducting interviews with 45 students  who have taken Entrepreneurship subject in STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin. Technical analysis of the data used in this research is descriptive research. The results of this study showed that parents, learning environment, and their friendship environment of can affect STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin's students' interest to be involved in entrepreneurship.}, publisher={Readers Insight Publisher}, author={Sari, Erini Junita and Hanifah, Hanifah}, year={2019}, month={Apr} }