Bifurcation and Global Dynamical Behavior of the f(T) Theory release_tstsesxswvbqtm42s6uvkhz2z4

by Chao-Jun Feng, Xin-Zhou Li, Li-Yan Liu

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Usually, in order to investigate the evolution of a theory, one may find the critical points of the system and then perform perturbations around these critical points to see whether they are stable or not. This local method is very useful when the initial values of the dynamical variables are not far away from the critical points. Essentially, the nonlinear effects are totally neglected in such kind of approach. Therefore, one can not tell whether the dynamical system will evolute to the stable critical points or not when the initial values of the variables do not close enough to these critical points. Furthermore, when there are two or more stable critical points in the system, local analysis can not provide the informations that which one the system will finally evolute to. In this paper, we have further developed the nullcline method to study the bifurcation phenomenon and global dynamical behaviour of the f(T) theory. We overcome the shortcoming of local analysis. And it is very clear to see the evolution of the system under any initial conditions.
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2014-03-18
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  1403.4328v1
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Revision: c3403e72-fdd5-429f-b9b4-f9e12402722b