Short and Long-Term Health Risks and Complexities among Caesarean Mothers and Babies in Bangladesh: A Case Study release_tqenaio67rcbtjhpbzmkksc5lm

by Dr. Esmat Ara, Dr. Md. Assraf Seddiky, Md. Homaun Bappy

Published in International Journal of Health Sciences and Research by Galore Knowledge Publication Pvt. Ltd..

2022   Volume 12, p70-86


The number of caesarean deliveries in Bangladesh, like other developed countries in the world, has increased at an alarming rate. Contrary to conventional deliveries, C-section births are more dangerous and difficult, albeit they are occasionally unavoidable. This paper aimed at exploring the health risks and complexities of caesarean mothers and babies in Bangladesh. Researchers organized a field study in Sylhet district, the northeastern part of Bangladesh, and interviewed in persons with 45 participants including doctors from two medical college hospitals and mothers who underwent caesarean sections applying purposive sampling technique. Researchers used thematic analysis method for analyzing primary data. Researchers applied two cycle coding (open coding and selective coding) to formulate the large themes. Research findings reveal that most of the mother participants got caesarean delivery only for avoiding pain without having any pregnancy complexities. This unplanned decisions regarding the birth style lead to serious concerns on the health systems of mother and babies including bleeding, over pain, increased infections, injury to the organs, problems in the future pregnancy, premature birth, asthma, diabetes-1 and other physical and psychological problems. Besides, these risks tend to be higher in Bangladesh due to lack of expertise doctors, technology, infrastructure, awareness and weak management systems. Hopefully, this study findings would be a guideline for the future researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and relevant communities to avoid unplanned Caesars and minimize the health risks of caesarean mothers and babies. Key words: Caesarean, risks, complexities, mother, babies, and Bangladesh
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2022-09-08
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