@article{bolovina_vologina_ibrahem_2020, title={Features of the approach to orthodontic treatment of patients taking into account the periodontal biotype}, DOI={10.34215/1609-1175-2020-2-10-13}, abstractNote={A feature of periodontal anatomy, in which the proximity of the roots of the teeth to the cortical plates or the sections of the roots of the teeth is determined and that are not included in the bone tissue, contributes to the onset of gum recession or its progression during or after orthodontic treatment. When teeth move towards the cortical plate, it can be destroyed. At the same time, teeth moving towards the center of alveolar ridge often causes the formation of bone tissue from the vestibular side that contributes to the improvement of fixing ability of the periodontium. In case when oral vestibular size of the roots of the teeth exceeds the volume of periodontal tissues, orthodontists use treatment methods that contribute to creating space within the dentition without changing its size: grinding of approximate surfaces and selective extraction of teeth. Knowing and considering periodontal biotypes, clinicians can predict the course of treatment, apply appropriate methods of orthodontic benefits to minimize alveolar resorption and ensure favorable results.}, publisher={Pacific State Medical University}, author={Bolovina, Y. P. and Vologina, V. M. and Ibrahem, F.}, year={2020}, month={Jun} }