Backward Design on Online Teaching for Spanish Technical Engineering Students release_tnouybsv2zagxgvmslu23cv6oa

by Antonio Daniel Juan Rubio, Isabel María García Conesa

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<strong>ABSTRACT: </strong>Pedagogical practices in Spain maintain a traditional format in which the teacher is revealed as the neural axis of the teaching-learning process, limiting the student to a passive role in which they merely reproduce the knowledge transferred without being able to contribute new knowledge through critical, reflective and transformative postures. Added to this reality is the fact that teachers are not up to date in the use of new information and communication technologies. The general objective of this research is to propose the application of the Backward Design Method in a technical engineering degree in a Spanish university in order to develop the understanding and transfer of what has been learned in the English language. This research was carried out with the purpose of proposing solutions to problems caused at the time of developing the class regarding the teaching-learning of the English language.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2022-05-02
Language   en ?
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