Phonon induced spin squeezing based on geometric phase release_th6uo5nxefckfbhhwbwpls3t7a

by Yan-Lei Zhang, Chang-Ling Zou, Xu-Bo Zou, Liang Jiang, Guang-Can Guo

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A scheme to achieve spin squeezing using a geometric phase induced by a single mechanical mode is proposed. The analytical and numerical results show that the ultimate degree of spin squeezing depends on the parameter n_th+1/2/Q√(N), which is the ratio between the thermal excitation, the quality factor and square root of ensemble size. The undesired coupling between the spin ensemble and the bath can be efficiently suppressed by Bang-Bang control pulses. With high quality factor, the ultimate limit of the ideal one-axis twisting spin squeezing can be obtained for an NV ensemble in diamond.
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2015-02-16
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  1502.04406v1
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