@article{zhou_zhang_tan_tseng_zhang_2020, title={Exploring the Systematic Attributes Influencing Gerontechnology Adoption for Elderly Users Using a Meta-Analysis}, volume={12}, DOI={10.3390/su12072864}, abstractNote={This study aims to explore the key systematic attributes influencing the acceptance of gerontechnology by seniors in response to global aging and rapid technological progress. A meta-analysis was carried out to quantitatively synthesize the results of 25 empirical studies published from 2010 to 2020. After standardized coding and descriptive statistics, as well as tests and analysis of main effects and heterogeneity, publication bias. The following results were obtained: Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have a significant positive impact on the user's attitude and behavioral intention; performance expectancy, effort expectancy, trust, technical performance and subjective norm have a significant positive correlation with the user's behavioral intention; social influence, facilitating conditions have a positive correlation with the user's behavioral intention; anxiety has a significant negative correlation to the user's behavioral intention. The key systematic influencing attributes are classified into three categories: (1) User individual characteristics; (2) product and technical characteristics; and (3) environmental characteristics. This study provides researchers and practitioners with a systematic evidence-based basis to reduce the gap in decision-making for gerontechnology practices.}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Zhou, Jining and Zhang, Bo and Tan, Runhua and Tseng, Ming-Lang and Zhang, Yaya}, year={2020}, month={Apr} }