@article{sadhna kumari sharma_2016, title={Stress among Unmarried Professional Girls}, DOI={10.25215/0302.052}, abstractNote={In psychology stress is a feeling of strain and pressure. The present era is a era of mental work and problems related to mental works are also increasing. Now days, girls are also carrier oriented and they have a tendency to work out of home town and are living without their families. The aim of the present study is to study the difference of the stress level and coping between two groups – unmarried professional girls living with family and unmarried professional girls living without family. The second aim is to find out the positive effect of emotional and social support in both the groups. The Holmes and Rahe stress scale (1967) developed by Holmes and Rahe is used to measure the level of stress. Purposive sample of 60 unmarried professional girls were selected from different professional areas of Jaipur city,,(Rajasthan),with two categories, 30 staying with family and 30 staying alone without family. Means, S.D.s and 't' values were computed to find out the difference between both the groups. The 't' value for this study is 1.66 and this was not found significant means although there is difference on the level of stress perceived by both the groups but this difference is not significant. In follow up study it was found that the sample which was staying alone was not actually alone they developed their own support system around them in the city away from family and this affected the results of this study.}, publisher={Redshine Publication}, author={Sadhna Kumari Sharma}, year={2016}, month={Mar} }