Relationship Between The Level of Physical Activity and The Incidence of Dementia in The Elderly
Elis Noviati,
Tuti Hidayati,
Resna Litasari,
Reffi Nantia Khaerunnisa,
Yanti Srinayanti,
Lilis Lismayanti,
Heri Ariyanto
Background : Dementia is a symptom of a decline in memory, thinking, behavior, and ability to perform everyday activities. One of the risk factors for dementia is physical activity. Good physical activity in the elderly can reduce the risk of dementia. Purpose : This study is to determine the relationship between the level of physical activity and the incidence of dementia in the elderly. Method : This study was an analytical association/correlation with a cross-sectional approach, with a total sample of 51 pages. The research instrument used PASE (Physical Activity Scale for Elderly) to measure the level of physical activity and MoCa (Montre al Cognitive Assessment) to assess cognitive function. Findings : The 15 respondents with a low level of physical activity, 13 respondents ( 86,7 %) had dementia and 2 respondents ( 13,3 %) of them did not have dementia. While 36 with good activity levels, 2 respondents ( 5,6 %) developed dementia and 34 respondents ( 94,4 %) had none Amendment I a. The statistical test used was the chi-square test (p = 0.00 ). ). There is a significant relationship between the level of physical activity and the incidence of dementia in the elderly. Also obtained an OR value of 0.009, meaning that physical activity that is less has a risk of 0.009 times experiencing dementia. Research limitations : Further research can be developed by conducting more specific research on the risk factors that can cause dementia Originality : The different from previous research, namely, in the research method, research instrument, time, and the title is taken.
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