@article{rohmah_suyatmini_2013, title={PENGGUNAAN METODE PROBLEM BASED LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BELAJAR MANDIRI MAHASISWA JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN AKUNTANSI PADA MATA KULIAH AKUNTANSI PERPAJAKAN}, volume={23}, abstractNote={The aim of the research is to improve Accounting Education Department's student self learning for Tax Accounting lesson by using problem based learning method. The subject of this classroom action research involved students of III a class Accounting Education Department in 2011/2012 academic year, who studies Tax accounting (36 students). Flow method design research from Kemmis and Taggart by cycle model. Data collection used by observation technique, analysis procedure by using interactive analysis model from Milles & Huberman. Based on the research result in reflectionevaluation, can be concluded that: 1) by using the constructive procedure of problem based learning method the self learning of Accounting Education Department's student for Tax Accounting lesson increased; 2) the function of teacher as facilitator, motivator, and learning source not as dictator of learning; 3) class situation become more active-creative; 4) student can be active in learning, able to do scheduled learning, have a high self confident, be critical in learning and have self enforcement. This method will be more effective to improve students self learning if they are explained about problem based learning, case study task can be solved in class, and reflection-evaluation in the end of session must be provided by the teacher.}, publisher={Muhammadiyah University Press}, author={rohmah and Suyatmini}, year={2013} }