@article{grec_chiş_2012, title={PSYCHO-PEDAGOGICAL INTERVENTION PROGRAM IN STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES}, volume={57}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT. The present research aims to investigate the efficacy of a psychopedagogical intervention program based on educational techniques, designed to develop organizational skills in children with disorders from the attention deficit and hyperactivity spectrum who present learning difficulty. The set of techniques can be easily implemented by the teacher in the classroom and has been applied in the context of the Language and communication curriculum area. Disorders belonging to the spectrum of the attention deficit and hyperactivity expose students to a risk of poor school performance, social isolation and antisocial behavior. The biggest challenge for a teacher is to maintain the interest of such a child, accept and appreciate him. Starting from the principle of differentiated instruction, equal opportunities can be ensured for all students by applying pedagogical intervention programs in the case of students with disorders from the attention deficit and hyperactivity spectrum.}, publisher={Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai}, author={GREC and CHIŞ}, year={2012} }