Wavelet-Based Weighted Median Filter For Image Denoising Of MRI Brain Images release_srkxu6qypvfffmwmaeqn2vymn4

by N. Rajalakshmi, K. Narayanan, P. Amudhavalli

Published in Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science by Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.

2018   Volume 10, p201


Preliminary diagnosing of MRI images from the hospital cannot be relied on because of the chances of occurrence of artifacts resulting in degraded quality of image, while others may be confused with pathology. Obtained MRI image usually contains limited artifacts. It becomes complex one for doctors in analyzing them. By increasing the contrast of an image, it will be easy to analyze. In order to find the tumor part efficiently MRI brain image should be enhanced properly. The image enhancement methods mainly improve the visual appearance of MRI images. The goal of denoising is to remove the noise, which may corrupt an image during its acquisition or transmission, while retaining its quality. In this paper effectiveness of seven denoising algorithms viz. median filter, wiener filter, wavelet filter, wavelet based wiener, NLM, wavelet based NLM, proposed wavelet based weighted median filter(WMF) using MRI images in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise is compared. The experimental results are analyzed in terms of various image quality metrics.
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Date   2018-04-01
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