Gandhara Art's Influence on Buddhist Art in Xinjiang, China release_skxlzwdlkvbrhk5eok6zpj3nty

by Wenqi He

Published in BCP Social Sciences & Humanities by Boya Century Publishing.

2021   Volume 14, p172-178


The Gandhara region of India was the origin of Buddhist art, and, due to its unique geographical location, it was a place where European and Asian civilizations mingled. The original Gandhara Buddhist art style was largely influenced by the style of Classical Greek sculpture. With the gradual development, its sculpture art and Buddhist stories entered a prosperous period and began to spread eastward, exerting a profound impact on the development of Buddhist art in the early stage of western Regions and later in Xinjiang.
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Date   2021-12-17
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ISSN-L:  2692-6172
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