@article{dave_vedia_acharya_jani_machhar_2011, title={Water quality assessment studies with reference to nitrate contamination of Modasa Taluka of Sabarkantha district (North Gujarat)}, abstractNote={Water is indispensable for the survived of life. It constitutes 70% of the weight of human body. When water is unfit for consumption, it is biologically or chemically contained, it can lead threaten diseases. Desirable limit of Nitrate is only 45 mg/L. Permissible limit is 100 mg/L. Excess intake of Nitrogen beyond permissible limit brings out blue-baby diseases. Looking to the importance of drinking water quality is being undertaken for Sabarkantha district is reported.}, author={Dave and Vedia and Acharya and Jani and Machhar}, year={2011} }