@article{bartoş_pleşa-furda_stoian_ciobanu_iancu_iancu_breazu_2022, title={Spleen Preserving, Splenic Vessels Spearing, Pure Laparoscopic Total Duodenopancreatectomy for Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Pancreatic Neoplasia (IPMN): Case Report and Technique}, volume={117}, DOI={10.21614/chirurgia.2758}, abstractNote={Total duodenopancreatectomy (TDP), performed exclusively by laparoscopic approach is considered one of the most complex abdominal surgical procedures. TDP with preservation of spleen vessels (operation Kimura) is a more technically-demanding procedure, but is beneficial in selected cases. While some high-volume centers have gained experience in minimally-invasive pancreatectomies, laparoscopic approach remains a recommendation for well selected patients with benign or low-grade malignant tumors and should be performed with caution, by experienced HPB surgeons. In this paper, we present a spleen preserving, splenic vessels spearing, pure laparoscopic TDP on a 40-year-old patient diagnosed with diffuse IPMN performed in our center, illustrating the operative steps.}, number={4}, author={Bartoş, Adrian and Pleşa-Furda, Patricia and Stoian, Raluca and Ciobanu, Lidia and Iancu, Dana and Iancu, Cornel and Breazu, Caius}, year={2022} }