Phantom Energy Accretion onto Black Holes in Cyclic Universe release_scj67mxh6nefjmsuaroydmrc2i

by Cheng-Yi Sun

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Black holes pose a serious problem in the cyclic or oscillating cosmology. It is speculated that, in the cyclic universe with phantom turnarounds, black holes will be torn apart by the phantom energy before turnaround before they can create any problems. In this paper, using the mechanism of the phantom accretion onto black holes, we find that black holes do not disappear before the phantom turnaround. But the remanent black holes will not cause any problems due to the Hawking evaporation.
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2008-06-06
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  0806.1080v1
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Revision: 3669d0a6-442a-4d8f-bafd-d0bf766b4669