Social Vices and Stability of Secondary School Students in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria release_sar4bwzzrvd6bohqktg7oqoizi

by Florence O Ojewola

Published in American journal of education and practice by AJPO JOURNALS.

2022   p72-81


Purpose: This study investigated social vices and stability of secondary school students in Ogbomoso, Oyo State.
 Methodology: A descriptive survey was adopted for the study. The population consisted of all secondary school students in Ogbomoso, a sample of 300 respondents from both the senior and junior secondary were used. Samples were selected from six secondary school and fifty respondents were selected from each of schools chosen. Simple and stratified random sampling techniques were used to select the schools and students for the study. A self-designed instrument was used to collect information on social vices in secondary schools. A research question and two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Frequency interval grouping, percentage and bar chart were used to answer the research question while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and t test statistics were used to test the two hypotheses.
 Findings: The result indicated that the students in Ogbomoso had moderate levels of social vices. It also showed that there was a significant influence of age on social vices being perpetrated among students. The result also indicated that the male students were more predisposed to social vices than the females. It was concluded that students in Ogbomoso demonstrated a moderate level of social vices. Age had an influence on social vices. The males were more involved in social vices than the females.
 Recommendations: It was recommended that school administrators and other educational stakeholders should organize seminars and workshops to train students on how to comport themselves within and outside the school settings. Parents should learn the proper way of nurturing and upbringing of their children and wards.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2022-09-19
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