Considering the Factor of Ignorance in Linguo-Criminal Texts release_rzytjhmqsfhkdo3ldgiogvduzy

by Alexandr Florya

Published in Legal Linguistics by Altai State University.

2023   Issue 30(41), p89-94


The article considers the problem of ignorance and resulting misunderstanding in texts that are the objects of forensic linguistic expertise. The authors of linguo-criminal texts may use set phrases that have become memes, but it can be difficult to determine whether they are real citations. Misunderstanding of words and phraseological units is often explained by the fact that the speakers are detached from Soviet reality, including Soviet cultural realia. Soviet people understood them, either from their own experience or from works of literature and art (performances or films). The author may be aware of a quote, but not know its origin and real meaning. In such cases, careful contextual analysis of the utterance is necessary. In addition, the expert must take into account linguistic factors: firstly, a certain quotation is reproduced in a standardized or free form, and secondly, this phrase is rigidly or freely specified according to the rules of syntax. The semantics of some words can be understood only after reference to dictionaries, but there can be no certainty that the author of the text meant this. Many words are polysemantic, and their true meaning is not always shown in the context.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2023-12-29
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