by Galina Valentynivna Nazarova, Nikita Kostiantynovych Nazarov, Alina Anatoliivna Demianenko

Published in SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN OF POLISSIA by Chernihiv National University of Technology.

2018   Issue 2(14), p210-215


Urgency of the research. In the conditions of instability and uncertainty of the processes that affect people's security and human development, the importance of preventing and avoiding negative environmental impacts highlighted the issue of assessing the human development security. Target setting. The formation of human development security is carried out under the influence of various factors, which are difficult to prevent in a timely manner, but with the help of a comprehensive assessment of this process it becomes possible to develop of a mechanism for anticipating and preventing the losses of human development. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The issue of developing methodological support for measuring human development and human security was considered by foreign scientists: Mahbub ul Haq and A. Sen, M. Peleah and A. Ivanov, David A. Hastings and others; and Ukrainian scientists: O. Vlasyuk, T. Ivashchenko, E. Libanova, O. Makarova and O. Gladun and others. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Based on the work of foreign and domestic scientists, the issue of a comprehensive assessment of the human security development process has not been investigated. The research objective. To develop a sequence for the development of a scientific and methodological approach to analytical support for the assessment of human development security. The statement of basic materials. In the article a critical analysis of existing methodological approaches to the assessment of human development and human security was systematized and conducted. The methodical approach to the analytical support for assessing the security of human development, which will provide the most complete measurement of the process, is substantiated. Conclusions. Taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of methodological approaches to the assessing of human development and human security has allowed to form a sequence of development of a scientific and methodological approach to analytical support for assessing the security of human development.
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Date   2018-03-01
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