A STUDY OF ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF WASTE PICKERS IN PUNE release_rvzqhuyepfd53jv4kr3uu7itlm

by Dr, Meena Sharma, Assot Prof

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After independence, position of women in India has improved significantly. Today women are working on top most position in almost all the sectors. These changes are due to spread of education, change in the socioeconomic environment, high demand for luxurious goods and many other factors. However there are some groups or people who are still trying hard to fulfilling their basic needs. The people who are poor ,illiterate and do not have any work at their native place move towards cities in search of jobs but due to their illiteracy and lack of skill they do not get jobs in organized sector they start working as a domestic servants, construction workers, rag pickers etc. This study is carried out in Pune as it is one of the developed and many industries are located here. This paper focus on economic aspects of waste pickers.
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Year   2015
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