Anglo-American and Soviet Perceptions on the Reorganization of the Postwar World release_rsm7bxljyfh75klq5pufbjszse

by Gheorghe Stefan

Published in EIRP Proceedings by Danubius University.

2021   Volume 16, p491-495


There were numerous divergences over the strategy and especially over the purpose of the war between the Allies. W. Churchill showed quite often his disagreement towards the American point of view regarding the British Commonwealth, while in return, the American president, F.D. Roosevelt, seemed to not understand why the American soldiers should fight for saving the interests of the British Empire. In this respect, I.V. Stalin stated quite plainly that he could no longer tolerate the new glacis state at his western borders because this particular situation had led to a second territory invasion during a single generation which insisted in the acknowledgement of territory claims and the founding of "friendly governments" within the buffer states from Central and South-Eastern Europe.
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