Preoperative computed tomography angiography (CTA) of the body in vascular patients: prevalence and significance of unsuspected extravascular findings
Präoperative computertomografische Angiografie (CTA) des Rumpfes von Patienten der Gefäßchirurgie: Prävalenz und Signifikanz unerwarteter extravaskulärer Befunde release_rsjsmp6knjhfbh7scaxmuz5pye

by Larissa Turowski, Marco Dollinger, Walter Wohlgemuth, Moritz Wildgruber, Lukas Beyer, Karin Pfister, Christian Stroszczynski, René Müller-Wille

Published in RöFo. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren (Print) by Georg Thieme Verlag KG.

2019   Volume 191, Issue 8, p716-724


Purpose Evaluation of the prevalence and significance of unsuspected extravascular findings on computed tomography angiography (CTA) of the body before endovascular or surgical treatment in vascular patients. Materials and Methods This study was approved by the local institutional review board. Radiology reports of 806 patients who underwent CTA of the body during January 2004 until December 2014 before endovascular or surgical treatment of vascular diseases were retrospectively reviewed. All unexpected extravascular abnormalities were classified as clinically non-significant (requiring no follow-up) or clinically significant (requiring further follow-up/immediate treatment). The course of patients with significant extravascular findings was retrospectively evaluated. Results Overall 806 patients were included in this study (592 men; mean age: 67 years). In 778 (96.5 %) of 806 patients 3293 incidental extravascular findings were diagnosed. There were 259 suspicious findings in 205 patients (25.4 %) that required further follow-up or immediate treatment. A previously unknown malignant tumor was diagnosed in 23 (2.9 %) patients. 10 patients (1.2 %) were diagnosed with lung cancer. Malignant tumors were detected more often in men than in women (3.5 % versus 0.9 %). Patients with an incidental tumor were significantly older than patients without a tumor (mean age: 72.3 vs. 67.5 years). Conclusion Clinically significant unexpected extravascular findings are common in vascular patients. Especially noteworthy are malignant tumors of the lung. Key points  Citation Format
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2019-01-31
Language   de ?
DOI  10.1055/a-0775-2544
PubMed  30703822
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