Ideologi dan Epistemologi Kitab Tuhfat al-Râghibîn Karya Muhammad Arshad al-Banjari release_rrlvu6y5brfvvawlft5rrxjlk4

by M. Rusydi

Published in Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman by State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel.

2014   p475


<em>Tuhfat al-Râghibîn </em>is the first book of theology for Banjarese besides the book of <em>Us</em><em>ûl al-Dîn</em>. This book focuses not on the area of surface-structure (outer aspects) but particularly on the deep-structure area (inner aspects). The deep-structure study will help interpret the meaning of the book in its relation to the historical, social, and political context. This paper will explore the deep-structure area which consists of two problems, namely the ideology and the epistemology of <em>Tuh</em><em>fat al-Râghibîn</em>. This study concludes that the ideology of the book is Sunnî, and the epistemology of the book is <em>bayânî.</em> It is based on an analysis that the source of the book is text (<em>nas</em><em>s</em>), its method is <em>qiyâs </em>and <em>ijtihâd</em>, and the rational argument in the book is used as a means of justification, although it still maintains a balance between revelation and rationalism. In addition, the type of argument is defensive-apologetic, the validity of its argument is the conformity of text to the reality, while the basic principle is <em>infis</em><em>âl </em>(discontinuance) and <em>tajwîz</em> (permissiveness).
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Date   2014-03-14
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