@article{haruni_malaka_ali_2019, title={Prevalence of Microbial Contamination and Antibiotic Residue in Chicken Meat, Beef, and Offal in South Sulawesi}, DOI={10.20956/hajas.v1i1.6649}, abstractNote={Chicken meat, beef, and offal are important animal products. They easily spoiled due to bacterial contamination and might contain antibacterial residues derived from treatments during rearing and processing. This present work aimed to investigate location- and time-dependent value of TPC (Total Plate Count), and analyze antibiotic residue present in chicken meat, beef, and offal sampled in the Province of South Sulawesi. This current study was conducted by analyzing data released from UPT. Animal Product Quality Analysis in Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Province of South Sulawesi. Our experimental design was arranged according to completely randomized design with factorial (4×3), and carried out 5 replications. The results showed that two locations (Takalar District and Palopo District) had the lowest TPC value, while Palopo City possessed the highest TPC value. Regarding to antibiotic residue, the positive sample was only found in 2015, a chicken meat sample collected in Luwu Utara District.Keywords : Total Plate Count (TPC), Antibiotic Residues.}, publisher={Hasanuddin University, Faculty of Law}, author={Haruni, Sriyanti and Malaka, Ratmawati and Ali, Hikmah M.}, year={2019}, month={Jul} }