Progress Towards Soft X-Ray Beam Position Monitor Development release_rltq765f25efvpl2wpptf77zk4

by Boris Podobedov, Dmitri Donetski, Christopher Eng, Steve Hulbert, Kevin Kucharczyk, Jinghe Liu, Ricardo Lutchman, Claudio Mazzoli, Lin, Liu (Ed.), John Byrd, Regis Neuenschwander (Ed.), Renan Picoreti (+1 others)

Published by JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland.

2021   Volume IPAC2021, Brazil


X-ray beam position monitors (BPMs) are instrumental for storage ring light sources, where they reliably provide positional measurements of high-power beams in hard X-ray beamlines. However, despite a growing need, coming especially from coherent soft X-ray beamlines, non-invasive soft X-ray BPMs have not been demonstrated yet. We are presently working on a funded R proposal to develop a non-invasive soft X-ray BPM with micron-scale resolution for high-power white beams. In our approach, multi-pixel GaAs detector arrays are placed into the beam halo and beam position is inferred from the pixel photocurrent levels. Presently, the first detector array prototypes have been manufactured and are being prepared for low-power beam tests. The mechanical design of a BPM test-stand, which will be installed in the 23-ID canted soft X-ray undulator beamline at NSLS-II, is well under way. In addition, we are developing new algorithms of beam position calculation which take full advantage of extended multi-pixel detector arrays. In this paper we will review our design choices and discuss recent progress.
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Date   2021-09-09
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