Research on the Thought of Sports Rule of Law in the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee release_rgf4ljl2hjdgbl7dwpggidgx6u

by Lin Zhu

Published in BCP Social Sciences & Humanities by Boya Century Publishing.

2022   Volume 20, p427-434


The connotation of the sports rule of law thought of the sixth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China refers to the concept of rule of law that guarantees the all-round development of sports through the comprehensive rule of law, so as to realize the people's sports rights. Its value orientation is mainly the equal status of the subject of rights, the balanced development of the object of rights and the adherence to justice of the rule of law in sports. In the system of sports rights, the security system pattern of basic, regulatory and ideal sports rights has initially formed. Among them, the right to sports health is the basic sports right of the people, which is a solid foundation for people's effective work and happy life, and is also the primary sports right actively guaranteed by the current state; The right to equality in sports is a regulatory sports right as well as a relative sports right, which focuses on correcting the imbalance of sports rights among different rights subjects; The right to sports development is the people's ideal sports right, which focuses on promoting the people's all-round development.
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Date   2022-10-18
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