The prognosis of surgical treatment results of severe cranio-cerebral trauma in acute period release_rev_fe092138-2468-4450-a7e7-ef64135c1e2f

by Mykola Polishchuk, Andriy Litvinenko, Anatoliy Korotkoruchko, Pavlo Gerasymchuk, Ihor Zagriychuk

Published in Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal by Ukranian Association of Neurosurgeons.

2011   p52-58

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2011-09-07
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Not in DOAJ
Not in Keepers Registry
ISSN-L:  1810-3154
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Revision: fe092138-2468-4450-a7e7-ef64135c1e2f