A Deep, Large-Area K-Band Survey for Highly Redshifted Hα Emission release_rev_f1134bde-5f66-401d-bc48-a9ea679f54a1

by P.P. van der Werf

Published in Symposium - International astronomical union by Cambridge University Press (CUP).

1999   Volume 186, p479-480


The most significant unknown in searches for high-<jats:italic>z</jats:italic>starburst galaxies is the role and importance of absorption by dust. Emission line searches have mostly targeted the Lyα line, which, due to resonant scattering, will be strongly suppressed even if only small amounts of dust are present. Indeed, most of the high redshift starburst galaxies identified by Steidel et al. (1996) have<jats:italic>no</jats:italic>Lyα emission. The<jats:italic>U</jats:italic>-band and<jats:italic>V</jats:italic>-band dropout techniques developed by these authors and by Madau et al. (1996) are likewise sensitive to dust absorption, both because of absorption of the observed ultraviolet (UV) radiation and because UV-obscured galaxies will not be accounted for in these dropout studies.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   1999
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  0074-1809
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Revision: f1134bde-5f66-401d-bc48-a9ea679f54a1