Analysis of Survival at Metastatic Melanoma Patients Treated with Vemurafenib - a Three Year Single Institution Study release_rev_e38f4511-663a-4729-bb2e-3a0ec3a41bd2

by Zdenka Gojković, Dejan Đokanović, Branislava Jakovljević, Siniša Maksimović, Saša Jungić, Ivanka Rakita, Milka Vještica, Radmila Rašeta, Živko Vranješ, Marina Štrbac

Published in SCRIPTA MEDICA by Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES).

2018   Volume 49


Introduction: The introduction of BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib significantly improvedoverall survival (OS) in metastatic melanoma patients.Aim of the Study: The purpose of this study was to determine OS and progressionfree survival (PFS) in patients with advanced metastatic melanoma treated withvemurafenib in the Oncology Clinic, University Clinical Centre of the Republic ofSrpska (UKC RS). The secondary goal is to determine the effect of elevated serumlactate dehydrogenase (LDH) on OS.Patients and Methods: We analysed patients that received vemurafenib in theApril 2015. until March 2018. They had pathohistologically confirmed B-RAF positivemetastatic melanoma. LDH values were measured at the start of the treatment.Results: A total of 16 patients were analyzed, with an average age of 53 years(37-78). A large number of patients at the start had multiple sites of metastases.Calculated OS in patients who received vemurafenib is 11.8 months (p=0,23), withstandard deviation (SD) 9.18. The calculated PFS is 9.5, SD 7,57. OS in patients withnormal LDH is 14.4 months, SD 10.73, and with elevated LDH is 8.4 months, SD4.9 (p=0.079).Conclusion: Use of vemurafenib resulted in an improvement in PFS, with improvedOS in patients with advanced BRAF-mutated melanoma. In patients with elevatedLDH OS was reduced. This shows that LDH is a good prognostic marker and thatwe should do it routinely for all patients with melanoma. This study has indicatedthe need for new diagnostic and therapeutic options for melanoma in Republic ofSrpska.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2018-12-21
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