Analysis of gene expression in thyroid cancer by using a novel two-dimensional display method of cDNA.
2次元ディファレンシャルディスプレイ法を用いた甲状腺癌における遺伝子発現の解析 release_rev_e359e956-ef97-4e94-9a16-a6fbd2fefd4e

by Jun-ichi Asakawa, Mieko Kodaira, Naofumi Ishikawa, Kunihiko Itoh, Koichi Itoh, Shigenobu Nagataki

Published in SEIBUTSU BUTSURI KAGAKU by Japanese Electrophoresis Society.

2000   Volume 44, p177-180

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   2000
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ISSN-L:  0031-9082
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Revision: e359e956-ef97-4e94-9a16-a6fbd2fefd4e