Research of strained-and-stressed state of supporting structure of track machine KRS-1 release_rev_d8e978fe-4053-4ac8-8c1c-b028a3e9a34a

by B.M. Tovt, E.M. Dzichkovskyy, O.E. Kryvchykov

Published in Nauka ta Progres Transportu by Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan.

2012   Issue 40, p40-45


In this article the results of analytical and experimental research of the strained-and-stressed state of supporting structure of the track machine KRS-1 are presented. The analytical research is executed with the use of finiteelement method (FEM). The results of analytical research are used during realization of running dynamic durability tests. The results of experimental and analytical research are compared. On the basis of analysis of the obtained calculation and experimental data the estimation of durability of supporting structure of the track machine KRS-1 is performed.
In text/plain format

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   2012
Language   en ?
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Open Access Publication
In Keepers Registry
ISSN-L:  2307-3489
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Revision: d8e978fe-4053-4ac8-8c1c-b028a3e9a34a