Market Risk Model agricolture portfolio value-at-risk release_rev_d7559e0a-3031-4bd3-97dc-fe5d9e4fec0a

by Giulio Carlone

Released as a post by Research Square.



<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> Thinking about this current extreme scenario of stock exchange observed in a world scenario perspective and the related choices for worldbank portfolio investments in Agricolture commodity, this study its based in an advanced economic observation and analisys of the Agricolture commodity in a scenario of portfolio diversification without have the market risk default. This study its based in an advanced financial strategy to define the market model composed of London stock exchange agricolture commodity observed first in a London scenario and second in a Europe scenario and finally in a world scenario. The authorities regulation and the requirements used to define , the mathematical point of view and to describe , the market value at risk point of view , have been standardized in this empirical market model. The commodity scenario observed and the empirical market model defined to observe the max price distortions of the agricolture commodity defined and defined to observe the porfolio value at risk , are in this market model well described and standardized. Authorities are interested in the empirical market model to observe the VaR data because they are interested in a bank's ability to withstand extreme events. VaR is monitored and is sanctioned by regulators defined in the Basel accords. The observed price are used in a variable choice of number of data price observation of five price for week a data price observation of one prices for week and a data price observation of two price for week and further similar strategies .
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Type  post
Stage   unknown
Date   2020-07-27
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Revision: d7559e0a-3031-4bd3-97dc-fe5d9e4fec0a