Microstructure Dependence of Mechanical Property of Commercial MgB<sub>2</sub> Composite Wires release_rev_c68de8d4-d576-4dce-b0a4-28804a0a0bce

by OSAMURA Kozo, OGURO Hidetoshi, MACHIYA Shutaro, HISHINUMA Yoshimitsu, TANIGUCHI Hiroyasu

Published in TEION KOGAKU (Journal of Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan) by Cryogenic Association of Japan.

2021   Volume 56, p343-350

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   2021
Language   en ?
Journal Metadata
Not in DOAJ
In Keepers Registry
ISSN-L:  0389-2441
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Revision: c68de8d4-d576-4dce-b0a4-28804a0a0bce