Physicochemical, Proximate and Sensory Properties of Pineapple (<i>Ananas</i> sp.) Syrup Developed from Its Organic Side-Stream release_rev_bf767a37-2af7-4f73-8d00-a916ecf59138

by Charles Tortoe, Paa-Nii T. Johnson, Ted Slaghek, Matilde Miedema, Theo Timmermans

Published in Food and Nutrition Sciences by Scientific Research Publishing, Inc,.

2013   Volume 04, Issue 02, p163-168

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   2013
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Not in DOAJ
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ISSN-L:  2157-944X
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Revision: bf767a37-2af7-4f73-8d00-a916ecf59138