Dynamic Analysis of Cracked Octagonal Quasicrystals release_rev_be295066-b83f-44e4-b998-85349bf6ab08

by Wu Li, Tian You Fan

Published in Mathematical Problems in Engineering by Hindawi Limited.

2011   Volume 2011, p1-18


We focus on the dynamic fracture problem of octagonal quasicrystals by applying a rectangular sample with a Griffith crack which is often used in classical elastic media based on the method of finite difference. This paper mainly is to investigate the variation of phonon, phason fields, and stress singularity around the crack tip including the stress intensity factor. In addition, the moving boundary due to the crack propagation has also been treated by introducing an additional condition for determining solution. The influence of wave propagation and diffusion in the dynamic process is also discussed in detail. Through comparing the results of octagonal quasicrystals with the results of crystal, this paper proclaims the influence of phonon-phason coupling in dynamic fracture problem of octagonal quasicrystals which should not be neglected.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   2011
Language   en ?
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Open Access Publication
In Keepers Registry
ISSN-L:  1024-123X
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Revision: be295066-b83f-44e4-b998-85349bf6ab08