Study of Fatigue Capability of Galvanized Friction Joints Treated with Phosphate
りん酸塩処理を施した溶融亜鉛めっき摩擦接合部の疲労性能調査 release_rev_b32cb594-309e-4c0e-9080-33bf81d4694c

by Takayuki KOHASHI, Masayasu SATOU

Published in Kou kouzou rombunshuu by Japanese Society of Steel Construction.

1999   Volume 6, Issue 23, p9-18

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   1999
Language   ja ?
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ISSN-L:  1880-9928
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Revision: b32cb594-309e-4c0e-9080-33bf81d4694c