Assessment and treatment of respiratory dysfunction in severely handicapped children. The efficacy of nasopharyngeal tubing
重度重複障害児の呼吸不全に対する評価と対策 酸素飽和度モニターと鼻咽頭チューブの有効性について release_rev_a376c6f5-012c-41b2-b727-c0abd1e8a64f

by Hiroyuki Choh, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Masuko Funahashi, Akira Matsui, Chieko Shimomura, Kazutaka Yamada, Yuuji Iwasaki

Published in No to hattatsu = Brain and development by THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF CHILD NEUROLOGY.

1988   Volume 20, Issue 4, p301-307

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   1988
Language   ja ?
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ISSN-L:  0029-0831
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Revision: a376c6f5-012c-41b2-b727-c0abd1e8a64f