Axial Crash Fracture of 980 MPa High Strength Steel Sheets
980MPa 級高張力鋼板の軸圧壊変形における破断現象 release_rev_956e895b-c65b-4ec5-9cf5-9ce84a8bdcba

by Tomohiro Sakaidani, Kentaro Sato, Yoshikiyo Tamai, Shinsuke Komine, Tatsuya Nakagaito, Toshiaki Urabe

Published in Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan by Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan.

2021   Volume 52, Issue 1, p197-202

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   2021
Language   ja ?
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ISSN-L:  0287-8321
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Revision: 956e895b-c65b-4ec5-9cf5-9ce84a8bdcba